Hello, I'm

Aspiring to Build and Create

Profile Picture

Awards & Certifications

UPCSG Hackathon 2024 - 3rd Place

UP Computer Science Guild - University of the Philippines Cebu

A competitive event where bonafide UP Cebu students developed innovative tech solutions, tackling real-world challenges like employment and education.

Responsive Web Design Certification


Built webpages using HTML for content and CSS for styling.

Philippine Startup Challenge 9 - [Regional] 7th Place & Best Logo

Department of Information and Communications Technology - Region 7

An annual competition that encourages Filipino youth to develop innovative ICT solutions, fostering entrepreneurship, mentorship, and connections within the Philippine startup ecosystem.


React.js, Node.js, CSS, SQL, PHPMyAdmin

A food management system that allows for CRUD operations.

React.js, CSS

A snack ordering system designed as a virtual vending machine.

Personal Web Portfolio

A responsive portfolio to showcase skills, projects, and achievements.

JavaScript, CSS

Notes web-app designed for organizing and managing personal notes


Centralized Repository for UP Cebu’s Computer Science Subjects

Self museum picture with the Spolarium at the back

About Me

As a third-year BS Computer Science student, I'm passionate about crafting innovative projects and love joining hackathons. Alongside coding, I enjoy debate and aspire to eagerly collaborate with others who share my goal of bringing remarkable ideas to life.

  • Finance Committee of UP SayawE [September 2022 - Present]
  • Tournament Director of Visayas Intervarsity 2022
  • President of Cebu Interschool Debating Association [2021 - 2022]
  • Prime Minister of Josenian Debate Varsity [Academic Year 2021-2022]

Let's Connect

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